The Penny Black is non-fiction investigative thriller that begins with Will, the estranged son of a conman, his mysterious neighbor,  and a million-dollar stamp collection. A provocative exploration of Will’s fear and integrity, the documentary follows a hunt to find the owner of the collection. When a significant piece of the stamp collection goes missing, the filmmakers are forced to reexamine Will’s capacity for honesty.

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The Penny Black STAMP is the world's first adhesive postage stamp. It’s notoriety made it easy to google among this massive collection. Coincidentally, this little stamp comes with its own nefarious origins. Issued in the United Kingdom on May 1st, 1840, the Penny Black didn’t take long before it was the subject of mass fraud. The stamps, due to their color, were canceled with red ink to prevent their reuse. Unfortunately, this red ink was water-soluble, which meant that the stamps could be washed and reused. To curb the rampant fraud, the Penny Red was introduced a year later to allow cancelations with black ink that were not water soluble and could not be removed. The striking design of the Penny Black was then consigned to stamp albums (there, ironically, to become a target of high value theft).

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